Monday, March 12, 2012

Balancing the Christian Life

By Brenda Boen
August 9, 2007

Do you struggle with balancing your Christian life? Do you want to be a Mary in a Martha world?

In Luke 10:38-42 we read the story of Mary and Martha who had different perspectives on what was important.  Martha was distracted by all the preparations that had to be taken care of while her sister Mary sat at the feet of Jesus listening to what He said.  I know I'd like to be more like Mary of Bethany but the Martha in me knows that things need to be taken care of as well.

As we go through our Christian life we sometimes have to find the balance to keep us centered.  We struggle with doing too much versus not doing enough.  We get so involved and begin to burn out so we start practicing that N word……nnnnn,n---oh, no, NO!  We begin to repeat it over and over in the mirror so we are not over committed.  “No, I’m sorry, but I’m unavailable”.  “No, I’m sorry, but that isn’t convenient.”  “No, I have other plans.  I have to sort out my sock drawer today.”   After a while we get so good at saying no that people don’t bother asking anymore. 

Everyone, that is, except God.  God knows your heart and He is well aware that your nos tend to come too quick at times.  Sometimes they are a knee jerk reaction given without thought of what God wants you to do.  Do you stop and consider that maybe you should stop long enough to consider whether or not the request for your involvement might be part of God’s call to you?

When our easy answer to anything outside our own personal agenda becomes no we tend to loose our perspective.  We become spiritually starved and weak.

"But it wasn't long before they forgot the whole thing, wouldn't wait to be told what to do.  They only cared about pleasing themselves....He gave them what they asked for--but along with it they got an empty heart."  Psalm 106:13-15 The Message

We were created to say an enthusiastic YES! to the call of God in our lives—both to His call to devotion and His call to service.  When we say yes to God it gives us strength and the energy to do what He wants us to do.

Let’s remember, however, that saying yes to God doesn’t mean saying yes to everything.  When we are overextended it’s easy for us to become spiritually dry. When we cram so much into our lives it's hard to fit Him in.  It's hard to hear God’s voice above all the busyness in our lives when He does ask us to do something for Him. 

I would encourage you to stop and pray about any request that is made of you.  And even if the answer is still no, at least you will be confident that the purpose for the no is for the right reason.  “No, I can’t serve on that committee.  The Lord is leading me inanother ministry at this time.”

As you begin to walk in obedience to God and answer yes to His call, you will find that He will bless what you do.  And if it’s not in His plan for you to do something, you can be sure that He will raise up someone else to do what you know He’s not wanting you to do.  “Yes, I think I can help.”  “Yes, I believe that can be arranged, let me pray about it.”  You will find that when you follow God’s lead it will be exciting and joyful.  Especially when you make a conscious effort to say yes to Him.

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