Monday, March 12, 2012

Stand Up For Your Faith

By Brenda Boen
November 1, 2008

God is so good and so faithful.  He is always worth standing up for.    There are times as a Christian we are confronted with matters that do no fall in line with God’s Word.  Then we have a choice to make.  Will we go with the flow and not speak up or do we stand up for what is right?  If we go with the flow we can compromise our faith.  Then what use are we in God’s army to fight the enemy?  But on the other hand, when we stand by our convictions to follow God and do what is right, He will bless.

Daniel was such a man of faith that when confronted with adversity God blessed.  He stood his ground and didn’t compromise his faith in God.  King Darius thought so well of Daniel that he was considering putting him in charge of the whole kingdom.  But the other administrators in the kingdom tried to set him up for failure.  They convinced the king to make a decree that everyone should pray to the king only for the next 30 days.  Anyone praying to any other god or man would be thrown into the lion’s den.  They knew that Daniel was a man of faith and this would be his undoing.  When Daniel heard of the degree he refused to disobey God so he continued his regular routine of praying 3 times a day.  Not only did he continue to pray but he did it from his open window so everyone could see.  He was not ashamed of his God and was not about to compromise his faith.  When the king heard of this he was deeply distressed but had to follow the degree that was made.  So Daniel was thrown in the lion’s den.  The next morning the king went to see if God has saved him.  He was overjoyed to find that Daniel was still alive.  God had sent an angel to protect him.  The angel shut the lion’s mouth and he was not hurt.  Then the king decreed that everyone must fear and reverence the God of Daniel only because He was the living God and endures forever.

Maybe you are facing the lion’s den.  You have been confronted with a choice to do the right thing and stand up for God or go with the flow.  This could be a hard decision because the outcome could cost you a job or relationships.  If you have faith in God, you can trust Him to protect and bless you as you stand up for Him. If God convicts your heart to do the right thing you can be sure He will bless you because of it. Do what is right and leave the results to Him.

Isaiah 7:9b “If you do not stand firm in your faith, you will not stand at all”.

Luke 21:17-19   “All men will hate you because of me.  But not a hair of your head will perish.  By standing firm you will gain life.”

1 Corinthians 15:58  “Therefore, my dear brothers, stand firm.  Let nothing move you.  Always give yourselves fully to the work of the Lord, because you know that your labor in the Lord is not in vain.”

1 Corinthians 16:13  “Be on your guard; stand firm in the faith; be men of courage; be strong.  Do everything in love.”

Daniel’s story is found in Daniel 6.  Another story in found in Daniel 2 about 3 young men who also refused to compromise their faith.

May God bless you today as you stand firm in your faith!

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