Tuesday, March 27, 2012

God Stories

Ever had a God story?  I know I do all the time.  God is so good and He is always at work.  I will be posting my God stories on a regular basis.  Here is my most recent.

My husband has Stage 4 Colon Cancer and over the weekend he started running a fever and apparently had a sinus infection of some sort.  Well, his immune system is way down so getting to the doctor and getting on meds is crucial for his condition.  So first thing Monday morning he called the doctor and the earliest appointment would be 5:30 the same day.  Well, I posted a prayer request on FB for everyone to pray and within just a few short minutes the doctor’s office called him back and said they had a cancellation and could he come in at 11:00.  That is a GOD STORY!

Please reply to this post with your own God story.  We'd all love to hear yours.

1 comment:

  1. Connie Giles9:12 PM

    That is a God story if I ever heard one. My God story is the fact that Pam and her family were just four hrs away from Kim when Craig passed. It allowed them to get her home and for her not to be there by herself. There are no coincidences when God is involved!!
