Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Welcome to My Blog!

So glad you stopped by!  Hope you find something to inspire you today.  You will find devotions, funnies, inspirational graphics, poems and scrapbooking stuff.  Have a great day and come back and visit again.  I will be constantly adding new stuff.


  1. Hey Brenda...glad to see your blog! I will be interested in following. I have one too that I started last year. I like the way you did articles by archive. I haven't done much with mine for a while. My address is Radically Redeemed.blogspot.com

  2. Well, I just put them in one at a time and they just sorted all got archived all by themselves. LOL There was really no order to the chaos since I had some from about 6 years ago. I hope to keep mine updated regularly. My old blog sort of went by the wayside a while back.
