Monday, March 12, 2012

Through the Storm

By Brenda Boen
August 2007

Have you ever experienced a sunny day outside when suddenly without warning a storm surrounds you?  Then in a frenzy you gather all your belongings and holler to everyone to take cover.  Then during the storm you hunker down and worry how bad it’s gonna be.  As I sit here looking out the window I see a storm approaching.  The sky has suddenly turned very dark and the weather radio has gone off to warm me of the approaching storm.  Soon I am sure the rain will fall and all the thunder and lightning will make for an uncomfortable afternoon.  If I turn on the TV or radio I’m sure there will be repeated reports of all the trouble I’ll soon be going through.

As Christians we go through storms in our life.  We constantly think about our troubles repeating them to ourselves, our family, friends and anyone else who will listen to us.  We pray and pray and continually tell God all about what we’re going through.  At times we can’t see the light at the end of the tunnel. Ah, but there is hope, my friend.  To find peace we need to stop telling God and everyone else how big our storm is and start telling the storm how big our God is.  God knows the storm you are going through.  He’s going through it with you.  We do not know why the storms are upon us but we can find comfort knowing we can survive the storm because God is our victor!

“God is our refuge and strength, an ever-present help in trouble. Therefore we will not fear.” Psalms 46:1-2a

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