Monday, March 12, 2012

Why Me?

By Brenda Boen
December 2007

As we approach Christmas, my mind begins to think about Mary, of all people, who was chosen to bear God’s son.  Was she special?  Did she possess qualities that made her stand out above the rest?  Just why would God choose her?  Let’s examine some of the things what we know about her.
She was young.
She was a virgin.
She was engaged to Joseph.
She was visited by the angel Gabriel and told she’d give birth to God’s son
Her finance would come close to leaving her
Her friends ridiculed her
She would see her son rejected and murdered

Mary didn’t possess any outstanding characteristics that made her more qualified to give birth to God’s son and raise Him than anyone else was.  She was young, poor and a female. But when presented with the task, she replied “I am the Lord’s servant.  May it be to me as you have said.”  (Luke 1:28)  She was willing, open and obedient to whatever God wanted to do in her life. 
How many times in your life have you questioned why God wants to use you?  Perhaps you feel you don’t possess any qualities that God can use.  Maybe you think you are not worthy or able to accomplish what He asks.  Maybe you don’t think your experience or education is good enough to quality you.  But God can take the ordinary and use it for something extraordinary. All we have to do is be willing. 

Are you, like Mary, available and willing to be used by God?  God’s best servants are often ordinary people like you and me who make themselves available to Him.  God chose Mary for one of the most important acts of obedience He has ever demanded of anyone.  You may feel that you are not a candidate for God’s service.  Don’t limit God’s choices.  He can use you if you trust Him. 

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